Risk Management Program

TFC will establish a Risk Management Policy and shall maintain a Risk Management Program to ensure the safety of its members. The Risk Management Program will meet certain minimum criteria.

We are committed to provide the safest environment possible. The Risk Management Program highlights important topics to help educate and inform to make all members safe.

Player Safety

  • Guidelines visible and available
  • Coach training programs
  • Parent education programs
  • Positive interactions among players, officials, and spectators
  • Info on safety matters such as lightning and emergency action plan
  • Age appropriateness

Goal Safety

  • Inspect goals before use
  • Make sure they’re anchored
  • Perform periodic inspections
  • Make use of warning labels
  • Communicate goal safety info
  • Don’t allow misuse of goals
  • Remind all about proper use
  • Be aware of placement
  • Store safely

Personal Safety

  • Make sure all are aware of the Risk Management Program
  • Check and share references
  • Create open environment where members know they are supported
  • Set tone of respect
  • Never be alone with a player
  • Players do not go to restrooms alone
  • Maintain barriers
  • Limit use of adult-to-player communication
  • Establish boundaries
  • Watch for red flags

Travel Safety

  • Plan ahead
  • Share all important contact numbers
  • Double-check all arrangements
  • Hotel safety


TFC provides Commercial General Liability for its members while participating in TFC and approved activities. Approved activities include participating in scheduled tryout sessions, scheduled team practice sessions, scheduled games, participation in local or national sanctioned tournaments, and other TFC sponsored activities under the direct supervision of a team official. The Commercial General Liability policy provides liability protection for TFC and their members for the alleged or actual acts of civil negligence arising out of their participation in covered activities sanctioned and approved by TFC.


The Seasonal year shall be from August 1 through July 31. The Birth Year is not concurrent with the Seasonal year. The birth year shall be from January 1 through December 31. Attaining the limited age for any age group on or after January 1 will be eligible to play for the full seasonal year. Proof of age shall consist of a birth certificate, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form 1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States, a birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency or board of health records, a passport, an alien registration card issued by the United States Government, a certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, a current driver’s license, an unexpired federal, state, or local government identification card (if documentation of date of birth is required), or a certification of a United States citizen born abroad issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital, baptismal, or religious certificates will not be accepted.

All youth players must register with TFC.

Levels of Participation

TFC provides play at five (4) distinct levels

Academy and Competitive level players shall submit and sign a Player/Parent commitment form, binding the player to that team for the seasonal year. They are committed to the full term of the obligation as specified in writing by TFC unless TFC agrees to a request for a player transfer or release from the club. The player family may also make the request for a release or player transfer.


Is intended to provide the opportunity for all players to participate in and enjoy the game of soccer without regard for ability or soccer skills. Grassroots soccer is a learning program for youth players organized within TFC.


Select soccer programs are intended to provide players with advanced skills and a desire to experience a level of competition beyond recreation.


Is the most competitive level and is designed for the most committed and skilled player.


Wraps itself around philosophy of participation and fun, but also provides the opportunity for players to compete against other clubs in games, festivals, and invitational tournaments.


Rostering means assignment of a registered player to a team. Initial rostering shall commence no later than the player’s first participation in a competition by TFC. Rosters may change by only with the approval of the club registrar, and in accordance with TFC and Leagues.

New team formations comprised of players not previously registered and rostered to another team can be added at any time during the seasonal year. Any individual player not previously registered and rostered to another team can be added at any time during the seasonal year.

Roster Limit (Maximum)

U6 & Younger, 4v4 (8 players)

U7 & U8, 4v4 (8 players)

U9 & U10, 7v7 6 (14 players)

U11 & U12, 9v9 (16 players)

U13 – U19, 11v11 (22 players)

Player Transfers and Releases

All requests for transfers shall be submitted to the TFC Registrar. All transfer requests will be reviewed, and final approval will be determined by the TFC Registrar within five (5) working days of the request. Release is defined as a player who no longer wants to play for their registered team and/or TFC.

Guest Playing

The head coach desiring the participation of a player must direct a request in writing, phone call, or email to the head coach of the team that the player is currently rostered, or to the Director of Coaching of the player’s club (This applies to guest players from outside the team’s club/association). The individual contacted must grant approval for participation prior to the player partaking in any event or activity. If the players current coach or Director of Coaching does not grant approval, the player is not permitted to participate. Non-compliance with the guest playing provision either by the coach or player shall be deemed unethical and subject to disciplinary action.

Rules of Play

The rules of play shall be current “Laws of the Game”, as published by F.I.F.A., providing there is no TFC rule to the contrary. Players 4U –12U shall play by the modified Rules for Small Sided Games.

Code of Conduct

Coaches and other team officials shall be subject to all rules pertaining to misconduct contained herein and as published by TFC, including caution, ejections, and standard suspensions. All member organizations shall be familiar with the TFC Code of Conduct.